YOGYAKARTA – Fish is a source of protein, especially omega-3 fatty acids. But what about the floating broom fish in Kali Baru, Cililitan Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta? Broom fish are used by local residents. Collected one by one until it reaches a weight of tens of kilograms which is then sold each kilo for Rp. 15 thousand.

The 'harvest' of broom fish occurs every Eid al-Adha, Supriadi admits. Allegedly, the broom fish were drunk with the innards of the sacrificial animals that were thrown into the river. Meanwhile, an official from the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Anas, appealed that the waste of sacrificial animals and the carcasses of any animal should not be thrown into the river.

Regarding the news, it is widely suspected that the broom fish are used as food ingredients, such as dumplings. As a food source, is the broom fish an edible type of fish? Fish that are often kept in ponds and aquariums as a 'cleaner' of fish habitat in a small scope is a big question mark whether it can be consumed or not.

According to doctor Lala Priyono, MD., health educator and medical team at AiCare, fish is one of the healthiest foods. Fish contains important nutrients such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin D and iodine. Many studies prove that fish is good for heart and blood vessel health.

bahaya konsumsi ikan sapu sapu secara medis
Illustration of the benefits of consuming fish for health, what about broom fish? (Unsplash/Caroline Attwood)

“Diligently eating fish also reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death from heart disease. Besides being delicious, fish is also beneficial for brain and eye development in infants and children because of its DHA content. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to eat fish,” wrote doctor Lala, contacted by the VOI team via electronic message.

So are all freshwater fish safe for consumption, including broom fish?

"Both marine fish and freshwater fish can be consumed in general, but there are fish that are not recommended for consumption because their content has the potential to endanger health," explained the doctor from a medical perspective.

Freshwater fish that are generally eaten by Indonesian people include carp, mujair, catfish, catfish, pomfret, tilapia, cork and many more.

The doctor explained that the level of safety for consuming broomstick fish has not been widely researched and scientifically proven. But also not a few people who consume it.

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Illustration of a broom fish (iStockphoto)

Hypostomus plecostomus or better known as the broom fish has the privilege of being able to live in polluted water environments such as waste. Therefore, broomfish that live in an environment polluted by waste or heavy metals are not recommended for consumption because they can endanger health.

Toxic fish certainly should not be consumed, such as broom fish which contain heavy metals, chemical waste, pesticides or parasites such as worms. Meanwhile, fish cultured in clean water and in an environment free of chemical and heavy metal waste can be said to be safe for consumption.

Dr. Lala Priyono's message, if you are not sure of the origin of the fish, it is not recommended to use it as food or food ingredients.

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