JAKARTA - Nathalie Holscher filed for divorce from Sule to the Cikarang Religious Court on July 3, 2022. The divorce lawsuit is registered with number 2145/Pdt.g/2022/PA Cikarang.

The first divorce trial for Sule and Nathalie Holscher will be held on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. In her lawsuit, Nathalie Holscher also filed two lawsuits, namely custody and child support. The custody was requested on behalf of his son and Sule, namely Adzam.

While waiting for the trial schedule, Nathalie is now a guest star on television and YouTube channel. He admitted that he had to work to meet his son's needs, Adzam.

Every time he was asked about divorce, he admitted that he was steady and did not want to reconcile with Sule. But every time Sule's children asked, Nathalie couldn't help but cry.

While talking to Paula Verhoeven on Baim Paula's vlog on Father's YouTube, Nathalie cried when she was shown the video of Adzam and his son, Ferdi.

"I promised not to cry. Ferdi is really close to me," said Nathalie Holscher, quoted Monday, July 11.

The same thing happened when he was a guest on Rumpi's show. Feni Rose asked what made her sad, Nathalie cried because she remembered Ferdi.

"Just relax. They miss it, they love mothers again. Moreover, Ferdi, just miss it," said Nathalie.

He then recalled the message that Ferdi conveyed to him. "I'm still in contact with Ferdi," said Nathalie.

"(I ordered) Ferdi to be patient, Mother is working on it. (Reply) 'Yes, love you Mother,'" continued Nathalie revealing Ferdi's message to him.

In AH's YouTube content, Nathalie Holscher also revealed the same thing. "Yesterday I chatted, 'test' but checklist one, I know the credit wasn't there, I sent credit. (I asked) Has the credit been entered? 'Come on, Mother,' are you healthy, I love you, (said Ferdi) love you too Bunda. It's really sweet," said Nathalie Holsher, quoted from AH's YouTube.

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