JAKARTA - Toner is one of the most popular facial care products because of its many benefits. One of them is to clean, moisturize, even brighten the skin. Usually, toners also have special benefits such as detoxification of the skin, cleaning pores, overcoming acne, moisturizing the skin, sterilizing the skin, and balancing the pH of the skin.

However, did you know that there are types of toners that have different functions for facial skin. Check out the explanation below, according to HighEnd, Thursday, July 7.

Functions to clean hydration and balance the pH of the skin after cleansing. Some of its ingredients include hyaluronic acid, rosewater, chamomile, to aloe vera.

Functions to overcome dead skin cells that accumulate. Some other ingredients include AHA, bra, and PHA which help exfoliate dead skin cells.

Its main function is to balance the skin's pH to the maximum, especially after washing your face. You can use this product using the double tone method applied before other types of toners.

Functioning as a cleanser and refresher. This type of toner is formulated to overcome the problem of excess oil, large-looking pores, and prevent acne. Therefore, generally this toner is used for those of you who have oily skin.

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