JAKARTA - Rey Mbayang and Dinda Hauw, Rio Dewanto, Enzy Storia, Bio One, Hanggini, and Jefri Nichol were appointed to be judges for the 2022 Falcon Script Hunt event which will be held from 5 July to 5 December 2022 (five months).

This competition is expected to give birth and find new scriptwriters with various advantages and the freshness of story ideas they offer for the development of the Indonesian film industry.

In addition to the jury of artists, there are 13 other professionals in their fields who will be the judges to find the best works from the works that have passed for evaluation. These nineteen judges represent 3 fields that are closely related to the film industry, namely directors, scriptwriters, and actors.

For directors, there are Herwin Novianto, Ifa Isfansyah, Andibachtiar Yusuf, Indra Gunawan, Fajar Bustomi, and Rako Prijanto. As for the scriptwriters, there will be Titien Wattimena, Danial Rifki, Alim Sudio, Oka Aurora, Anggoro Saronto, and Ifan Ismail.

This year, the title of the competition is #CeritaCitaCinta. "We want to invite writers to translate life stories related to dreams, hopes, and love in various forms, genres, and storytelling styles. We want to listen to stories that may have never been revealed because they haven't been able to or haven't been told to the world, For this reason, we provide the widest possible space for writers to be creative in the competitions we organize," said Rako Prijanto in a virtual press release, Tuesday, July 5.

He hopes that the Falcon Script Hunt event can be used as a talent search for new writers who have good potential for the Indonesian film industry.

"I see this activity as Falcon Pictures' contribution to the development of the national creative industry. Stimulus to discover potentials that may have been invisible so far even though they have something in store. I am happy to be involved in this project/activity, because I always want to find wild ideas that I may not necessarily be able to find through established channels,” said Andibachtiar Yusuf.

Bio One hopes that the works submitted in this competition are honest works. "Yes, the important thing is to be honest in your work. So that later the resulting script can flow," he explained.

Meanwhile, Jefri Nichol admitted that he did not limit the genre of this event. "If I never limit it to this or that genre. The important thing is that the characters are strong and the story is good, whatever the genre is, it doesn't matter to me," explained Jefri.

The winner of this competition will have the opportunity to have his script made into a film. The six manuscripts selected as the main winners are entitled to a prize of IDR 50,000,000 for each winner. In addition to the main winners, the 12 favorite manuscripts chosen by the jury are also entitled to participate in the mentorship program.

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