JAKARTA - Annisa Pohan has not appeared for a long time and has activated her social media and short message accounts. Many are wondering what happened to the wife of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). That's why he finally opened up about his confinement.

It turned out that her pregnancy was declared unable to progress. Annisa, accompanied by her husband and only child, tried to be steadfast and patient with this situation. He explains everything on his Instagram page @annisayudhoyono which has been verified on.

"Many are wondering and DM me why I'm rarely seen lately, even closing my whatsapp and opening it if it's important. Actually, Alhamdulillah, yesterday I was positive for pregnancy so I've been taking a total break for over a month and avoiding things that make you stressed, hope that pregnancy can be healthy and smooth," he said.

But what is human power only plans God who decides. "But Qadarullah, maybe Allah has other better plans. My pregnancy was declared undeveloped at 7 weeks of age, the size of the baby was too small and there was no heartbeat, so it could not be maintained. The doctor's advice was to immediately remove it and clean it with the ERPOC system (similar to with common language curettage), and was carried out yesterday, July 2, 2022," continued Annisa.

Hasil USG yang dishare oleh Annisa Pohan. (Instagam @annisayudhoyono)
The results of the ultrasound shared by Annisa Pohan. (Instagam @annisayudhoyono)

He and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono are trying to be strong with this situation. "For me and Mas Agus, who have been trying for years to add offspring, being given the opportunity to be positive for pregnancy is an extraordinary gift from God. And when we have to experience a miscarriage, of course it is a very difficult thing for us. But we are sincere, and believe that Allah's decree is the best. Even so, we are only weak servants of Allah, these tears and sadness are very difficult to contain, and hope that time will heal them," he continued.

He is lucky to have a supportive family. "My husband and daughter Almira, who always accompanies, encourages, and entertains, masya Allah can give me a little smile and laugh. Alhamdulillah…I am grateful for the many things that God has given me; for all the things that I have now, at the same time giving up things "Things that I can't have. As ordinary people we can't get everything, but as servants we can only ask for Allah's blessing and love," he explained.

Now Annisa Pohan is in the recovery stage. "Now I am in the recovery stage, and thank God today is better after yesterday's procedure. In the future, life must continue to go well, and there is no despair," he wrote.


Annisa hopes that what she experienced can be a lesson for others. "For friends who are going through the same thing as us, for those who are still trying to have children or who have experienced miscarriages, keep your spirits up! Everything has been arranged by the Almighty.

It is true that our mixed feelings are not easy to understand for those who have never experienced them. But each person's test is different. In fact, sustenance is a test. So we face all these trials with a lot of prayer and trust. Friends, you can also share experiences in the comments column, if we want to share feelings with each other.

Annisa Pohan, AHY dan anak semata wayang mereka Almeera. (Instagam @annisayudhoyono)
Annisa Pohan, AHY and their only child Almeera. (Instagam @annisayudhoyono)

He suggested avoiding sensitive questions for people who have not had children. "For those who like to ask 'when do you have a baby' and similar, in fact a question like that for some people can bring sadness. If I may suggest, the question should be replaced with prayer, so that the person concerned will be given offspring immediately. Because sincere prayer is certainly very meaningful, also soothing and strengthening," he pleaded.

"I ask for prayers from friends, so that this miscarriage disaster will be a reward for me and Mas Agus, then Allah will replace it with something better for both of us. The same prayer from us for friends who have experienced it. Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi rooji'uun, allaahumma ujurnii fii mushiibatii wa akhlif lii khoiron minhaa," he wrote.

"Indeed we belong to Allah and to Him we will return (on the Day of Resurrection). O Allah, reward me and replace it for me with a better one (from my calamity)," Annisa Pohan finished her explanation.

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