JAKARTA - When your toddler tantrums by throwing tantrums, kicking, screaming, and rolling on the floor, you may try to calm him down. However, believe it or not, toddler tantrums (tantrums) are an important part of their emotional development. And you can learn to be calmer in the face of it.

Here are seven reasons toddler tantrums or tantrums are actually a good thing, launches Parenting and Cleveland Clinic, Friday, July 1.

Expressing emotions

When a child has a tantrum to the point of tears, this means that he is releasing the stress hormone – cortisol – from his body. Tears have also been found to lower blood pressure and promote emotional peace, as long as there is a loved one to support them. Try to pay attention when the child is angry, whining, it means he is frustrated.

Once his emotions were out, he was in a much better mood. Let the kids tantrum without trying to interrupt the process so they get to the end of their feelings.

Handling strong emotions

Help children find ways to solve problems without upsetting the little one. The child will learn that he can solve some problems on his own. He will become more independent and less prone to tantrums.

Sleep better

A child's pent-up emotions bubble as his brain rests. Just like adults, children too wake up because they are stressed or trying to process something that is happening in their life.

So when a child has a tantrum, let him finish his anxiety until the final phase. Because it can improve his emotional well-being and help him sleep well through the night.

Labeling emotions

Limited vocabulary makes it difficult for children to express emotions. He cannot describe the frustration, jealousy, anger, or disappointment he feels. Tantrums are his way of expressing feelings. Give him the words he needs to express himself.

Learn to accept rejection

Chances are your child has a tantrum or tantrum because you said 'no' to him. Saying 'no' gives children clear boundaries about what is and isn't acceptable behavior. You may always say yes to your child's requests because you don't want to face the emotional repercussions.

But actually by saying 'no', you are teaching him about rejection. Be consistent with your decision while still empathizing with her grief by offering love and hugs.

Expression of feelings

Anger is a child's expression showing sadness and feelings of discomfort due to rejection from you.

Closer emotionally

When your child screams, cries, even kicks things around him, you don't need to respond with a lot of words. Quite a few words but convincing.

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