YOGYAKARTA – Choosing the right skincare ingredients takes many tries. Not infrequently experience errors that cause signs that it does not match one of the skincare products. Therefore, dermatologists recommend that you pay attention to signs of skin that do not match the skincare products you are using. Stop using it immediately after experiencing the signs below.
1. Feels sore and burning when you first use skincareVarious types of skincare, including cleansers, lotions, or masks, should not cause a burning sensation. The reason is, the formulation of ingredients must be controlled and must not harm the skin. In addition, there are different skin types that must be identified before choosing the skincare to use.
According to S. Manjula Jegasothy, MD., a dermatologist reported by The Health, if it stings and burns when you first use it, this is a sign you have allergies. Known clinically as contact dermatitis, in which the skin retains protection. If you experience it, wash it off immediately.
2. Causes a stinging feelingFor those of you with sensitive skin, a slight stinging feeling is a common side effect, especially after applying skincare with alcohol content. In patients with sensitive skin, according to dermatologist Terrence Keaney, MD., it is important to choose products with great care.
Another possibility of this stinging feeling is due to too much or too much use of the product. You only need a pea-sized amount to cover your entire face, suggests Jegasothy. Plus, don't use it more often than recommended.

If you find that your skin feels dry and flaky, especially in the corners of your mouth and around your nose, you may be using skincare products to treat acne in excess.
Contains active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and retinoids, which are used to help light skin exfoliation, regulate skin cell maturation, and cause minor skin irritation. The goal is to encourage new collagen. But if you experience too much irritation, the product may not be suitable for your skin.
4. Skin changes color significantlyDiscoloration of the skin due to pigmentation. If you have brown spots or sunburn, it's likely that you're not using the right sunscreen. Dermatologists call this paradoxical hyperpigmentation. The symptoms are experienced after using skincare with claims of brightening the skin which contain kojic acid, arbutin, and hydroquinone.
If you experience the above symptoms, avoid all use of skincare products with these ingredients. Wait for the skin to heal on its own.
5. Reddened and irritated skinWhen the skin is red and irritated, it is a sign that your skin is intolerant of the ingredients in skincare products. If it contains the active ingredients salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, it will irritate sensitive skin. Dermatological recommendations, stop using the product and use a non-comedogenic and do not contain mineral oil, cocoa butter, or other ingredients that clog pores.
6. Skin is more oily than usualEven though the slugging makeup trend is currently popular, a glowing and 'wet' face certainly needs to be obtained in the right way. If your skincare products make your skin oilier than usual, try checking the ingredients again. According to dermatologist Eric Schweiger, MD., look for a moisturizer or serum that contains hyaluronic acid instead of oil to hydrate your skin. In addition, use a gentle facial cleanser so as not to trigger excess sebum production.
Have you ever experienced the signs above after changing to a new skincare product? Tips for choosing the right one, try the first test on the skin of the hand. Apply a little and wait for a few minutes. If there's no reaction, it's a match. But if your skin is red, irritated, and has other uncomfortable symptoms, avoid the product because it doesn't suit your skin.
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