JAKARTA - Hair styling with pomade is a favorite of men because it is easy to apply.

In one swipe, your hair will adjust to the desired styling style. The use of a simple and easy to make pomade is one of the most popular used.

Initially, pomade was made from crushed apples and then applied to the hair. But over time, making the basic ingredients of pomade also evolved and is safer to use on the hair.

Clay Pomade

Generally, clay is used to make handicrafts, such as jars, vases and bowls. However, it is different from the material from this one pomade which is made from clay. Of course there are special criteria for the clay used in this clay pomade. The most commonly used clay is bentonite, which is the result of weathering of volcanic ash.

Indeed, the composition of clay pomade is different from other pomades. However, the advantage of this clay pomade is that it can absorb more oil so that it can maintain the results of styling pomade for a long time.

Water Based Pomade

Most of the pomade is difficult to rinse because it is oily and often sticks to the hairline. Of course, this does not apply to water-based pomades, which are easy to wash when shampooing. This type of pomade is suitable for those of you who like light pomade. However, the drawback of water-based pomade is that it is water-based which makes this type of pomade not too strong to hold hair.

Mix Based Pomade

If the water based pomade with the oil pomade has advantages and disadvantages. So with the presence of this mix based pomade, it is the right combination that unites the water and oil content. The durability of this pomade is almost the same as oil based pomade, but it is easier to clean like water based pomade.

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