YOGYAKARTA – A tough person can handle life's challenges. No matter how difficult the problems they face, they have mental resilience that is constantly being built so that they become better.

As many have understood that life is full of uncertainty. Even when you have planned one thing, it is not uncommon to deviate from what was planned. According to Carla Shuman, Ph.D., founder and director of Mindful Solutions in Virginia and a clinical psychologist, here are things that mentally tough and healthy people need to do.

1. Recognize things that are in control or cannot be changed

Many people tend to focus on things that are difficult to control and cannot be changed. This would hold back one's ledge from advancing. Not infrequently even disappointed and trapped in despair. On the other hand, recognizing the things we can control can make us feel empowered. We start to believe in ourselves and realize that there are things we can do to make life better.

2. Rarely think cynical

Being analytical and cynical are very different. Sarcasm or cynicism for someone can be a way to deal with life's disappointments. But being here keeps one stuck in things that will never change. A cynical view will not lead to an optimistic point of view, says Shuman as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, June 22.

tanda orang yang tangguh dan sehat secara mental
Illustration of signs of a tough and mentally healthy person (iStockphoto)
3. Choose positive friendships

There are times when we find people who make us feel bad. They drop emotionally and even convince they will not achieve their goals until they can't be the best. People who are tough and mentally healthy know very well which friends or relationships are supportive.

4. Have people who share one vision

Missions may be different, but having the same circle of vision can make a person live a better life. Shuman describes, everyone is influenced by the people around them. Be it friends, family members, co-workers, and important people who influence how we view the world. Well, mentally healthy people must have positive behavior and mood. And this is influenced by the people around him.

5. Can defend yourself when not treated well

In addition to relating to boundaries, a strong person knows very well how to communicate so that they can be heard and understood. Sometimes, this is a form of self-defense when being mistreated.

6. Have empathy

Although it is necessary to establish boundaries to take care of yourself and prioritize personal priorities, life cannot be separated from other people. Sometimes empathy is also needed with regard to the needs and desires of others. That means having healthy relationships is essential to good mental health. One does not need to sacrifice to build a mentally healthy environment, it is enough to show concern and understand the people around you.

By having the six signs above, a person can survive and have mental health. Do you include the six things above?

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