YOGYAKARTA – As people get older, healthy activities are needed that can maintain health. Including anticipating the condition of natural decline in muscle mass or what is called sarcopenia.
Citing the Aging In Motion Coalition page, Tuesday, June 21, starting at the age of 30 we begin to lose muscle mass and strength gradually. However, in some cases the loss of muscle mass is experienced more rapidly resulting in sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a serious condition, which can significantly affect a person's quality of life because the ability to perform simple daily tasks will be more limited. For example, difficulty walking up and down stairs, reduced independence in activities, and requiring long-term care.
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), the loss of muscle tissue will be faster when a person reaches the age of 60 to 70. Although the rate of decline varies, the average person can lose 3 to 8 percent of muscle mass every decade. More specifically, the loss of muscle mass involves a reduction in the number of muscle fibers and a decrease in their size. The effect of fewer muscle fibers and smaller muscles is atrophy.
In addition, as we age, the body's ability to produce the proteins that muscles need to grow decreases. When protein production falls, individual muscle cells get smaller.
Age-related hormonal changes can also cause a decrease in muscle mass. Normally, testosterone levels and insulin-like growth factors affect muscle growth and muscle mass.

Other factors that contribute to increasing the risk of sarcopenia include a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity that is done regularly, makes a person more have the opportunity to build muscle mass. If you have the opposite habit, don't exercise regularly or allow the body to be passive, then the risk of developing sarcopenia will increase. Plus, poor eating habits also contribute to developing sarcopenia.
According to IOF data, 41 percent of women and 38 percent of men over the age of 50 consume less protein than the recommended daily intake. It also affects fiber count and muscle mass. Eating less fruits and vegetables also needs to be avoided because it is related to the formation of muscle mass as well as to overall health.
Symptoms of sarcopenia, reported by Medical News Today, include decreased muscle size, decreased endurance, poor balance, difficulty climbing stairs, and weakness. Because the decrease in muscle mass is not visible, most people with sarcopenia experience reduced balance, fall more easily, and decreased independence in physical activities.
Doctor's diagnosis, generally disclosed based on the report of each patient. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a walking speed test and a DXA (Dual energy X-ray Obsorptiometry) test.
To anticipate the worsening of the decline in muscle mass with age, a person needs to exercise regularly. Because when the muscles are not used, the muscle mass and strength will not be maintained properly. Sports that can be done include resistance training.

This exercise can help strengthen bones, ligaments, and tendons. At least, exercise needs to be done at least twice a week. The body parts that are trained include the legs, arms, chest, shoulders, back, and stomach. Well, for older adults, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting a new exercise to strengthen muscle mass.
Besides exercising with certain exercises or movements, consumption of protein-rich intake is recommended to anticipate sarcopenia. Healthy sources of protein such as beans, lentils, quinoa are recommended to consume 1.0 - 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. You can supplement with the consumption of supplements to increase vitamin D, this is useful for maintaining muscle strength.
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