YOGYAKARTA – Mutual masturbation, according to licensed sex, marriage and family therapist, Kamil Lewis, LMFT., is masturbation with more than just oneself. Masturbation together, allows you more with your partner. This sexual activity also provides an opportunity to show your partner what feels good for you without having to say it verbally.
In the activity of mutual masturbation, a feeling of being aroused and touching each other is created. Your partner may find themselves and potentially explore. Lewis explained further, this activity could be fun.
"We may rely on touch, or certain types of touch to make us feel good," Lewis says. While touching a partner may be predictable and reliable, sometimes sexual activity becomes monotonous and mundane. With mutual masturbation, partners can engage each other's senses. Starting from listening to each other, feeling, and appreciating it.

Uncompromising Intimacy author Alexandra Stockwell says "When we masturbate in the same room with other people and watch it, we access some objectivity that is uniquely blended with the subjectivity of our own experience."
Since masturbation is considered a solo activity, there may be embarrassment associated with mutual masturbation. This feeling is very natural, explains Lewis. He adds, it's natural to feel embarrassed to appear vulnerable in front of others watching.
There are many variations in mutual masturbation, apart from touching each other, partners look and take turns. You can also enjoy an intimate atmosphere with toys, food, and other erotic media at the same time.
Expert advice, as with any other sexual activity, make sure you and anyone else engaging in this activity with you takes the necessary precautions. This is the goal to keep sex as safe as possible. While being open to each other's vulnerabilities, mutual masturbation can increase intimacy, this activity may also be uncomfortable at first. But what makes it worthwhile is that you and your partner will be able to learn about each other in a new setting.
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