JAKATA - Internal medicine specialist from the Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine (PAPDI) Purwokerto dr Andreas, Sp.PD reminded that people with diabetes mellitus must always pay attention to the adequacy of body fluids to avoid dehydration.

"It is very important to prevent dehydration, because dehydration is feared to have the possibility of causing blood sugar levels to tend to rise," said doctor Andreas, citing Antara, Sunday, June 19.

Doctor Andreas added that drinking water is also very good for people with diabetes mellitus, because it does not contain calories, so it will not affect blood sugar levels.

"In certain cases, for example, when diabetics feel hungry, they can consume adequate amounts of water. The hope is to determine whether they are really hungry or just thirsty, I mean by taking advantage of the full effect of water," he said.

The doctor who practices at a number of hospitals in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency added that people with diabetes mellitus should pay attention to the portion of food, both large meals and snacks.

"Because, most foods are calories. So, the more you eat, the more you have the potential to increase sugar levels in the body," he said.

He reminded that people with diabetes mellitus should limit the consumption of sugary drinks. All sugary drinks need to be limited or avoided.

"It is better if people with diabetes mellitus consume more water to avoid increasing blood sugar levels," he said.

According to him, exercising regularly can help reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus.

"Exercise and physical activity on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus, in order to balance the incoming calories with those used," he said.

Andreas added that in addition to exercise and physical activity, other efforts that need to be made to reduce the risk of diabetes are consistently maintaining a diet, controlling the mind so as not to stress and regulating sleep patterns.

"What needs to be considered is to regulate the diet so that it is not excessive, balance the calories that enter with those used for physical activity, and implement other healthy lifestyles," he said.

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