Be Careful Of Obesity, These Are 4 Ways To Prevent Excess Weight In Babies
Illustration (Freemixer/Istockphoto)

JAKARTA - Seeing a baby with a full body, of course, makes anyone feel anxious. Soft hands and feet, chubby cheeks, which parent wouldn't be proud of their cute little one. However, behind a child's adorable posture, not only does he feel proud, but there are also health hazards that lurk.

So far, fat babies are considered healthy babies. Little fat is also considered not so worrying because it is only temporary. But in fact babies who are overweight, aka overweight, are vulnerable to many health problems later when they grow up.

But don't worry, this problem can be prevented before it's too late. Here, VOI summarizes five ways to prevent excess weight in babies, launches Very Well Family, Friday, June 3.

Give Exclusive Breastfeeding

The researchers found that exclusive breastfeeding can suppress excess weight in children with a higher genetic risk of obesity. Exclusive breastfeeding for children up to the age of 5 months is proven to reduce the baby's weight. The effect was significantly reduced if exclusive breastfeeding lasted only three months or if the baby was fed both breast milk and formula.

Avoid Overfeeding

If you don't want your child to be overweight, it would be nice not to overfeed your little one. Babies have good communication skills. He will give conditions if he is hungry, as well as when full.

Let your little one breastfeed as long as he wants. Don't worry about time. The efficient time for a baby to breastfeed is about 15-20 minutes. Some last for an hour or more. As long as you follow your little one's cues, the frequency and timing of breastfeeding doesn't have a big effect on excess weight gain in your little one.

If you are bottle feeding, you may be tempted to force your child to finish the amount of milk in the bottle. But, be sure to pay attention to the cues your baby offers to tell you that he is full. With the behavior of stopping sucking, turning away from the bottle, and loosening their grip on the bottle.

Increase Physical Activity

Spend time playing with your baby and give your child activities that allow for lots of movement. Bring your little one to the floor, do tummy time, encourage him to move. Create a safe place for them to explore, learn to walk, and run. When they start learning to walk, take them for walks as often as possible, even if it's just around the house.

Start Introducing Solid Foods

Once you start adding solids to your baby's diet, limit or avoid no-calorie foods and sugary drinks. Small pieces of tender fruit or pieces of cooked vegetables make an excellent introductory snack. By introducing your child to healthy eating early on, you can create the basis for healthy eating habits as they grow up.

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