JAKARTA - For those of you who like to watch beauty content on social media, you must be familiar with the trend of shaving facial hair. The goal is none other than to make the skin look cleaner and brighter, plus facilitate the absorption of skincare and make makeup look more attached. Really?

Shaving the face is technically removing the fine hairs (peach fuzz) on the surface of the facial skin. With the loss of fine hair, the skin pores are more easily reached by the make-up layer so that the make-up sticks more easily. But before trying it, there are some facts about facial shaving that you need to know.

In addition to removing hair, shaving the face can also be done as a mechanical (physical) exfoliator to remove dead skin cells. This activity can be a "pro" for some women, but also a "con" for others.

Before you take a razor, first check the condition of your skin. If your skin has conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or acne, shaving facial hair can exacerbate irritation and make you feel uncomfortable. It can also cause infection. So, avoid shaving facial hair when the skin is irritated or with acne.

So, will shaving facial hair make it grow thicker? According to Healthline, Friday, June 3, shaving dulls the ends of the hair, making them feel rough and hard, creating the illusion of darker or thicker hair. Shaving facial hair does not make it thicker or change its color.

Then, what is the right way to shave facial hair so it doesn't cause irritation? Here's how.

Be sure to choose a razor that is sharp and sterile. You can use an eyebrow razor that is easy to control. Wash your face first before shaving Make sure your facial skin is wet or damp when shaving. If your skin is dry, use a shaving gel. Start shaving in the direction of the growth of fine hair and not the other way around. After that, clean your face again and apply a water-based moisturizer that doesn't cause irritation. Avoid using beauty products that contain harsh active ingredients such as retinol right after shaving, this can cause inflammation.

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