YOGYAKARTA – Using regular skincare does not guarantee that acne will not grow. Because there are things related to habits that cause acne to continue to grow even though it has been treated. According to dermatologist Heidi Waldorf, MD., reducing acne requires thorough treatment. It's not enough to just use over-the-counter drugs at drugstores, but you also need to check for other conditions.
Routines and habits that cause acne can be based on health conditions. Some experts suggest that you need to change certain habits that trigger the conditions below.
1. Hormone imbalanceBreakout may need to be treated with blood tests. Because according to Kristina Goldenberg, unknowingly, acne can be triggered by hormonal imbalances. As experienced by someone with polycystic ovary syndrome which can produce the pituitary gland, causing acne.
2. Consuming foods that contain steroidsSteroids are generally beneficial for increasing muscle mass in athletes without weight gain. But if consumed every day, then the risk of causing acne. Drinks that contain steroids, such as protein shakes, make acne treatment not optimal in certain cases. That is, pay attention to the levels of steroids in drinks consumed daily. Choose organic drinks so as not to trigger acne.

Regularly cleaning or changing the makeup applicator is important to prevent acne from growing continuously. If you don't clean your makeup brushes, they can become a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria.
4. It doesn't match the makeup products you usePaying attention to every symptom when using beauty products is important. Even though acne has been treated, if you still use makeup products that don't match, it can trigger a breakout. In addition, it is recommended to wear makeup with harsh chemicals, dyes, fragrances, and preservatives.
5. The phone is never cleanedWhen you pick up the phone from the device, this communication tool automatically sticks to the cheek. Try to provide protection with a tissue or regularly clean your device so that bacteria don't transfer to the skin, causing acne.
6. Using too many skincare productsThe goal is to get maximum beautiful skin performance. However, using too much skincare can irritate and dry out the skin. That means applying acne medication will not work optimally.
7. Use hair pomadeUsing pomade, you need to be careful not to get it on your face. Hair care products, such as pomade, can clog the skin pores, which can lead to breakouts. So it is advisable to wash your hair after using pomade to anticipate acne growing on your facial skin.
8. Food allergiesOne of the symptoms of allergies is inflammation of the skin or acne. This is the body's reaction to form protection when attacked by allergens. So, identify what foods trigger your acne to grow. Or do a thorough medical checkup to find out which foods are allergens.
Those are the eight causes of acne still growing even though you have routinely used acne medication. In addition, stressful conditions can also trigger hormonal imbalances. In the end, acne still decorate the face. Therefore, managing stress and keeping your face clean at the end of every activity is important to anticipate the growth of acne.
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