JAKARTA - Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate, so some people often experience skin problems, one of which is prickly heat. This skin problem, which is often known as the medical term miliaria, is usually characterized by the appearance of small red rashes on the skin. Itchy and hot sensations are often felt by people who are infected with prickly heat.

Prickly heat can happen to anyone, from babies to adults. Prickly heat usually occurs in various parts of the body, from the hands, back, to acne on the face. If you experience prickly heat, let's look at some ways to treat it, as below, launches HerWorld, Thursday, May 19.

Using Sandalwood

The way to deal with prickly heat is to use sandalwood. This is a folk remedy that has been tested against prickly heat.

To use it, simply mix sandalwood with cold milk and apply it on the skin until it dries. After that, wash it off with cold water. It is very important to save the skin from exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. The natural oil contained in sandalwood is able to help get rid of fungus on the skin and prickly heat.

Wear loose clothes

Not only using some of the materials above, prickly heat can be treated by using loose clothing with thin, cool materials, and able to absorb sweat well. This is because the use of loose clothing in a tropical climate like Indonesia is able to maintain air circulation and the body to stay cool and not easy to sweat so prickly heat does not appear easily.

Apply aloe vera

In addition, prickly heat can be treated by using aloe vera. The reason is, aloe vera contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can help reduce various types of skin problems, one of which is prickly heat.

The method is quite easy, you only need to take the white aloe vera flesh and then apply it on the skin affected by prickly heat at least once a day. Do it regularly so that prickly heat is quickly resolved.

Ice compress or cold water

Prickly heat is caused by the body being hot and producing excessive sweating. So that the body feels cooler, then you can compress it with ice cubes because it can help relieve skin redness and irritation such as prickly heat.

Cold water compresses are great for soothing irritated skin. A cloth soaked in cold water or ice wrapped in a cloth can reduce the pain associated with prickly heat. So, immediately apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the rash on the skin.

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