JAKARTA - During Ramadan 2022, the community has fulfilled various needs through Tokopedia Ramadan Ekstra and many other campaigns. "This encourages Food and Beverage (makmin), Fashion and Households to become people's favorite categories," said Head of External Communications Tokopedia, Ekhel Chandra Wijaya.
“Honey, pastries and coffee are the best-selling makmin products at Tokopedia Nyam!. Meanwhile, instant noodles have become a favorite sahur menu at Tokopedia NOW!," he added.
On the other hand, sales of worship equipment almost quadrupled. Headscarves, robes and caps are some of the most sought after Muslim fashion products by the public.
The public's interest in sharing and worshiping from home during Ramadan continues to increase. More than IDR 15 billion was collected from donations, zakat, waqf and fidyah in this one e-commerce.
Regarding the trend of sending parcels to each other, the types of parcels that are often sent by the public via Tokopedia Parsel Ramadan are pastries, worship equipment and body care. "The furthest distance for parcel delivery is from Pekanbaru to Jayapura," he said.
Pipiltin Cocoa, created by Tissa Aunilla and Irvan Helmi, is an example of a local MSME that takes advantage of the Ramadan moment to boost sales. Their business empowers more than 2,000 local cocoa farmers from Aceh to Papua. "Sales of Pipiltin Cocoa have increased more than 3 times thanks to the Tokopedia Parsel Ramadan campaign," said Tissa and Irvan.
Considering that the post-Lebaran moment is an opportunity to rearrange a better diet to maintain health, Tokopedia together with a Nutritionist, dr. Elfina Rachmi, MGizi, SpGK shared five tips to return to a healthy diet after Ramadan and Eid:
Pay attention to the consumption of sugar, salt, and oil
Limit sugar, salt, and oil, and diligently monitor your weight. In addition, also check your health regularly, get enough rest and manage stress well.
Dietary Principles
Follow the 4J's healthy diet: Amount, Schedule, Type, and Style of Cooking. Adequate amounts and a balanced diet as needed, a regular schedule so that the metabolic process is well maintained, as well as healthy cooking techniques by choosing varied processing, such as steamed, boiled, grilled, pepes (marinaded fish) rather than frying. Frying should be a maximum of 2 times a week.
Selection of Food Type
Make sure all macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein or fat), micronutrients (vitamins minerals), and daily fluids are met.
Choose complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole grain bread or oatmeal. Choose fat from good fat sources and reduce saturated fat such as fried foods or junk food. Also pay attention to fiber intake that can be obtained from vegetables and fruits.
Fluid Fulfillment
Make sure to drink 2 liters of water or 8 glasses a day. Minimize sugary, fizzy , and caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, because they cause you to urinate more often and can inhibit calcium absorption.
Physical Activities and Exercise
Target exercise should be 3-5 times a week. Start with light to moderate exercise such as walking around the house to flex the muscles that have not been trained for a long time, then adjust the exercise schedule according to the needs and condition of the body.
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