YOGYAKARTA – Do you have friends who are very selective in attending public events and tend to like warm conversations with few people? Both of these are characteristics of an introvert. They are totally reliable, even when you need a place to tell the most secret things.

Launching Introvert Dear, this is the reason they – introverts – can be counted on to be your best friends.

1. Good listener

Introverts are very selective in choosing what they like and don't like. Like being completely prepared when you need a good listener. For an introvert, talking with close friends can provide complete attention without being distracted by other things that occupy the mind.

2. Remember well

An introverted friend is a wise friend. They remember your birthday until your doctor's appointment. In addition to being best friends, introverts also remember many things, know many things, so that their friends will feel recognized and loved.

teman introvert teman terbaik
Illustration of introverted best friend (Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez)
3. Understand the most difficult situations

In the most difficult situations, an introvert will understand. For example, when you cancel an appointment because you are too tired after a busy day, they will understand. Introverts also have high empathy and understand the feelings of their friends.

4. Be yourself

If you have an introverted friend, you don't have to pretend. They value you more for being who you are without being judgmental than being manipulative. Even if you're hiding a problem, your introverted friend can understand it by identifying it with your facial expressions and gestures.

5. Support your creativity

An introvert is creative, they will create with their hands and expertise. His creative ability can be shown through completing tasks, responding to situations, to changing the rest of the material to be something more useful.

6. There is always something to do

If you're feeling bored and feel like there's nothing you can do, it's time to meet your introverted friend. Most introverts have several interests. For others, it may be considered complicated at times, but for introverts it is a way to spend time on useful things. For example, they have lots of non-priority activities, such as drawing, making crafts, writing, reading, and baking.

In addition to the six points above, introverted friends are friends who want to value their friendship for life. They will be someone you can rely on, understand you, and become a solid support system.

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