6 Eid Snacks That Are Safe For Diabetics
Illustration of snacks for diabetics (Unsplash/No revisions)

YOGYAKARTA – Blood sugar levels are the key for diabetics. Various factors that make glucose in the blood increase. During the Eid moment, you need to be careful in enjoying table dishes. Therefore, know the following Eid snacks that are safe for diabetics.

1. Fresh fruit

Quoting from the Siloam Hospitals page, snacks that are safe for diabetics are mainly rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats because these three components help control blood sugar levels. First, what is healthy is fresh fruit which contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Such as oranges, kiwis, apples, pears, berries, and avocados.

2. Nuts

Besides being high in protein and fiber, this snack is safe for diabetics. Snacks from the legume family include almonds, edamame, and soybeans.

3. Dark chocolate

Chocolate with 70 percent cocoa content is safe for consumption by diabetics. This cocoa snack contains polyphenols that help improve insulin sensitivity so that blood sugar levels are controlled. However, make sure the composition of the chocolate so that it can be consumed in a safe portion.

4. Popcorn

Popcorn is made from corn, which is rich in fiber, but comes in many different flavors. Well, for diabetics need to choose a taste that is not added sugar. This snack provides 70 percent of the recommended daily intake of calories. Even though it tastes bland, you can still enjoy it with a sprinkling of onion powder, butter, or a little salt.

5. Grains

In addition to nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are safe for consumption by diabetics. This snack contains high levels of minerals and vitamins that are healthy for the body. But you need to pay attention to the portion to keep it under control.

6. Wheat Biscuits

Biscuits made from whole wheat can be enjoyed by diabetics. Wheat contains complex carbohydrates that are good for digestion. Preferably, these biscuits or cakes are consumed a maximum of two in a day.

The above is a snack that you can consume to keep blood sugar under control.

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