JAKARTA - Millennial is defined as the most popular word for 2019. This is based on the decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Millennial is the word this year after considering several things, one of which is because it is the most searched for in the Big Indonesian Dictionary.

"In carrying out this task, in 2020 the Language Agency will determine for the first time the Word of the Year. The KTI which is set at the beginning of 2020 is Kata of the Year in 2019, namely millennials, "said Acting Head of the Language Agency, Dadang Sunendar, as quoted from era.id , Friday, December 10.

The word millennial has a meaning relating to millennial and relating to generations born between the 1980s and 2000s. The word millennial, both with these two meanings, has the class of an adjective or adjective.

According to Dadang, the word millennial was determined as KTI 2019 by considering several criteria. The word millennial is one of the most popular word searches throughout the year in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) Online.

"It is also the word used throughout the year according to Google Trends with the highest number of uses in March 2019. The word millennial marks various events, is used by various groups, from officials to the general public, and has a broad distribution of evenly distributed fields in Indonesia," said Dadang.

Facts of use in society, the word millennial is used both in oral communication and written communication on social media. The word millennial is known and used by various groups to identify behaviors and generations that have certain characteristics.

One of the events that made the word millennial popular was the announcement of President Joko Widodo's special staff from millennial circles on November 21, 2019. Based on a Google search on December 30, the word millennial special staff was used 2.94 million times.

Word of the Year

If the word 'millennial' is the most popular word determined by the Language Agency for 2019. In English, Oxford University Press chooses “ climate emergency ” as the 2019 Word of the Year (WOTY). Meanwhile, the digital dictionary Dictionary.com chooses the word Existential or existence. as a word that describes 2019.

Language observer Ivan Lanin said the choice of Kata of the Year (KTI) had been routine since categorization in German in 1971 through the publication of Wort des Jahres by the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (German Language Association). The American Dialect Society pioneered the publication of English KTI in 1991.

"Various other English language institutions have also published their versions of KTI regularly, for example Merriam-Webster (since 2003), Oxford University Press (since 2004), and the Australian National Dictionary Center (since 2006)," he explained as quoted from his wordpress page. .

Apart from German and English, the elections for KTI were also held in several other languages, for example Japanese (since 1995), Russian (since 2007), Danish (since 2008), and Norwegian (since 2012).

According to Ivan Lanin, the adjective of the word ' millennial ' has two meanings in KBBI. Millennials can be related to millennials as well as the generation born between the 1980s and 2000s.

"The word was included in the KBBI in the April 2018 update as an absorption from the English word" millennia l "," said Ivan.

Warganet Version

If 'millennial' is the most popular word for this year, then a small poll created by Ivan Lanin competes the popularity of four words among netizens, such as ambyar, ashiaap, julid and santuy . In the poll, 'ambyar ' was selected as the most popular word according to netizens.

"KBBI lists ambyar as a variety of conversations with the meaning of 'split up; separated; no longer concentrated.' In 2019, this Javanese word was popularized (again) by the #SobatAmbyar Didi Kempot," wrote Ivan based on the results. the poll he held on December 12 and followed by 14 thousand netizens on the Twitter platform.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)