YOGYAKARTA – A scorching hot afternoon burns the skin, it can be overcome with simple steps. Eating tomatoes, according to research shows can protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays.

UV rays from the sun make the skin red, rash, and darken in color. Tomatoes, according to the findings of researchers at the University of Michigan, can be useful as a natural sunscreen for your skin. Researchers revealed that tomatoes contain lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects cells from free radical attack.

Researchers found that people who consumed 40 grams of tomato paste daily, containing 16 milligrams of lycopene, had their skin more protected from the effects of ultraviolet light exposure than those who did not eat tomato paste.

The effects of exposure to free radicals from UV rays can damage skin cells. Lychopene in tomatoes acts as a protective shield to defend cells from attack. Lycopene is found in more tomato paste than fresh tomatoes. In addition, tomatoes also contain a pigment called lutein. Its function can help hydrate the skin and increase its elasticity.

In addition to tomatoes, several other fruits can also be consumed as a variation. One of the benefits is the same as tomatoes, namely protecting the skin from the effects of UV exposure.

These fruits include watermelon, black currants, berries, and black grapes. Quoting The Health Site, Wednesday, April 27, dark chocolate and green tea also have the same properties, which are to keep skin cells from getting sunburnt and keep them glowing.

Cocoa-based chocolate containing phenols and catechins. Both substances protect the skin from sunburn and skin cancer. In fact, according to studies, cocoa is a good source of antioxidants. Well, but avoid adding milk to chocolate because it can interfere with the effectiveness of the absorption of antioxidants.

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