YOGYAKARTA – Getting used to a disciplined life does require the right way. If you use the right method, it turns out that discipline from a young age has positive long-term benefits. Discipline is not only related to being on time and being responsible for getting things done, it is also closely related to the way people control their own behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

Discipline in traditional understanding, reported by Fatherly, Thursday, April 7, is taught to help children understand the consequences of their actions. Plus, with discipline, they can make better decisions and build positive personality traits.

In a number of studies, here are the reasons why it is necessary to build discipline in children from a young age.

1. Discipline expands the possibilities of achieving goals

A study published in the Journal of Personality, shows that self-control is not about deficiency. But it's about managing conflict and making decisions that align with your personal goals.

alasan perlu membiasakan disiplin pada anak sejak kecil
Illustration of the reasons why children need to get used to discipline from a young age (Unsplash/Keren Fedida)
2. Beneficial for self-control

People who have self-discipline, research has proven that they experience less stress throughout their lives. Other studies have concluded that 'feeling good rather than bad may be a core benefit of having good self-control'.

3. A more prosperous adult life

The long-term effect of discipline is associated with higher levels of self-control and life satisfaction in both current and past adults. Research published in the National of Library Medicine conducted in 2014 by Wilhelm Hofmann, found that the more control one has over oneself, the more one enjoys life.

4. Empower to overcome obstacles

According to a study in the US National Library of Medicine, self-control and fortitude have become the two most important variables explaining success in various aspects of people's daily lives. Motivation and power in overcoming external obstacles makes a person more likely to achieve goals. Even with discipline, a person becomes more empowered to overcome obstacles.

5. Emotionally stable

Discipline also trains children from childhood to control themselves. This control affects thoughts, emotions, and impulses. If they have poor self-control, they are more likely to display aggressive behavior, experience anxiety, and depression.

6. Support physically and mentally stay healthy

A study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2009 was conducted by Margaret L. Kern and team. The study found that children who act on impulses rather than discipline are more likely to be obese, smoke, depend on alcohol and drugs. Impulsive children have even shorter life spans.

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