JAKARTA - Fried food is one of the Indonesian people's favorite iftar menus. In addition to the delicious taste, this food is also quite cheap in terms of cost. Despite being a favorite, fried foods are often accused of being a source of diseases such as cholesterol to obesity because of the excess oil content in fried foods.
In fact, if processed properly and eaten according to portions, fried foods will not be a source of health problems. Launching various sources, here, VOI shares the secret to healthy eating fried foods when breaking the fast.
Fry with new oil
In order to make the quality of your fried foods is healthier, use new oil for frying. The oil used is also oil that can only be used for the frying process twice. Oils that are dark or even black in color indicate that the oil has turned into a carcinogenic substance that accumulates bad cholesterol. If this is used for continuous frying, health problems such as cholesterol to cancer are ready to approach. You can also use healthy oils like olive oil, canola oil, and sesame oil for healthier options.
Make your own fries at home
The next healthy way to eat fried foods is to make your own fries at home. By processing yourself, you can find out the quality of the ingredients and the oil used as raw materials. Also, the manufacturing process is also guaranteed to be safer. You can wait for the oil to get really hot before adding the dough. That way, the fry will not absorb as much oil.
Put a lot of vegetables into the fried dough
Another tip to eat fried foods healthily is to add more vegetable pores. This can be an alternative way so that you can consume lots of vegetables with a crunchy texture. In addition, by adding a lot of vegetables, the addition of flour dough becomes even less.
Drain the fried food with a paper towel to reduce the oil
When the fried food is cooked, give it a few minutes before consuming it. Drain beforehand so that the oil content in the fry is reduced. Use wipes to absorb the oil. This way, you will consume less cooking oil.
Limit the amount of consumption
All of the above tips will work well if you eat fried foods within reasonable limits. Remember, something in excess is never good results. Launching Health Grid, Monday, April 4, a piece of fried food contains at least one teaspoon of oil. In fact, the maximum limit of oil consumption in a day is six teaspoons. Meaning, that it's a good idea to limit your intake of fried foods to less than six pieces a day to be healthier.
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