JAKARTA - A mother in Tonjong Village, Tonjong District, Brebes, Central Java, had the heart to abuse her own three children on Sunday, March 20, 2022. As a result, one of the three children died on the spot while the other two were in intensive care at the hospital. The motive for the violence was because the mother was depressed due to the economic burden.

Carrying out the role of a wife and mother is not an easy matter. Especially if the wife is also required to bear the family economy. When the wife is depressed, the husband's role is very helpful in overcoming it. Launching Psycom, Tuesday, March 22, here are 6 ways to help couples overcome depression.

Recognize the causes of partner depression

An important first step in helping your partner deal with depression is understanding the causes and symptoms of your partner's depression. Symptoms of depression can vary and change over time. You can certainly read about depression and consult an expert for more information. However, the best way to understand how your partner feels is to communicate and listen carefully to your partner's complaints.

Always there for your partner

The husband may feel that the best way to help his wife cope with depression is to find the best psychologist or various types of treatment assistance. Unfortunately, they often forget that the best thing a husband can do to help a depressed wife is to always be there for her.

It's okay if you don't have an answer to the problem. You are quite quiet and listen to all the complaints of the wife. Give a few small touches, such as holding hands when he tells a story or offer a hug, is very helpful. Or respond to his comments with encouraging statements like

"Tell me what I can do to help."

"You are important to me."

"I am here for you."

"We'll get through this together."

Show unconditional love and affection

Love has the power to heal everything. If your partner is having a bad day, let them know you care by showing more love. It may be harder to do this when they're relapse and taking their negativity out on you, but this is exactly when they need love the most.

Take your wife to see a doctor

People with severe levels of depression usually show symptoms that can interfere with daily activities. However, the symptoms that are felt are often ignored and are not considered symptoms of depression.

Dealing with a partner who is depressed and in denial is not easy. But, by not addressing this issue, your partner will continue to get sick or worsen, or even kill himself, so you too will feel the effects. Depression cannot be cured without intensive treatment. So that you can start the healing process as optimally as possible, approach your partner with care and with a well-thought-out plan.

Create a supportive home environment

It's important to remember that a depressed wife isn't anyone's fault. Even though your husband can't completely treat your wife's depression, your support will help your partner overcome this difficult time.

Even if they try their best to get rid of you (it's common for depressed patients to do this), you should continue to support them. It's easy for people with depression to forget that they have support around them, especially when they are depressed. During this time, you should remind them of your support.

Find a mental health counselor for both of you

Your partner needs your love, support and attention. But all of these important qualities can't completely cure depression. Use your love to get proper medical attention and to remind your partner that they are valuable and loved by those around them.

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