JAKARTA – Introverts are often misunderstood. The reason is, their way of communicating is different when compared to people with extroverted personalities. Extroverts are more expressive and open. But that doesn't mean introverts don't have feelings, it's just that their way of expressing is more effective or even minimalist.

Introverts are actually very intimate and romantic. They may be difficult to understand, but here are the actions of an introverted personality to express the language of love.

1. Talk about things that inspire you

When your introverted partner talks about important times in their development, they are opening further doors for you to enter. He will provide information about what is important to him and the deepest experiences of his life.

2. Want to spend more time together

Although rarely say miss, an introvert will spend time alone with the person he loves. There will always be a planned way to spend more time alone with you.

Introverts live in small moments. When he let you into it, it means he is showing that you occupy an important position in his love feelings.

3. You are the first to get the latest news from him

Introverts will tell people they think are close about their moods. Even the happiest or saddest events of the day, will be reported to the important person in his life, you.

4. Shows vulnerable parts

Introverts are sensitive people. If he opens up his vulnerable side, or the things that occupy his mind and energy on you, then he is expressing his love language. It means inviting you to share and be honest with each other.

5. Involve you in decision making

Does your partner often want to spend time alone first to clear his mind? This is indeed an introverted character so you need to give him the space he needs. When his mind is clear and needs your consideration, it means that you are in a special position for him.

6. Become more romantic

Maybe expressing love in a romantic way will be done by an introvert over time. An introvert's best way to express their sincere feelings to you is to create the atmosphere you want.

Does the above method include your introverted partner? Understand and recognize his body language, too.

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