JAKARTA - The name Mawar AFI emerged after her ex-husband's marriage became the talk. Steno Ricardo, her ex-husband is known to be married to Susi who is a former babysitter of Mawar and Steno.

Mawar AFI's feelings continue to be exposed because recently she visited several broadcast programs/podcasts belonging to artists, including Ruben Onsu, Maia Estianty, Uya Kuya, Ashanty, Melaney Ricardo and Luna Maya.

Mawar AFI got satire from a psychologist, Dr. Lita Ivory. Through her social media, Lita regrets that Mawar continues to divulge her ex-husband's disgrace.

"I am very concentrated on him (Mawar AFI) not to talk too much anymore in the media. Enough. Don't talk too much about the story or the sad story," said Dr. Lita Gading on Tuesday, March 15.

According to Lita, Mawar has received a lot of sympathy from the public, so don't be fooled by what she says.

"I only think about her children. The psychological impact. Don't be pitted against mother and father even though they are divorced," he continued.

"Don't instill hatred towards their father. It's a pity, the children have a long way to go," he said.

Lita Gading said Mawar would rather focus on her singing career than make money by talking on podcasts.

"I know that you are invited to a podcast to earn money. But, not in that way. There are many more positive things," he continued.

Throughout the video, Lita states that she continues to support Mawar but don't let Mawar forget her children's condition.

"So, don't tell the sad story anymore. From now on stop!" the lid.

It seems that the warning was already known by Mawar AFI. On Melaney Ricardo's YouTube channel, Mawar said it was her last content about domestic turmoil.

"You're saying this will be your last podcast, on mine?" asked Melaney.

"Yes," answered Rose.

The 36-year-old singer then revealed the reason why she no longer wanted to talk about the same thing about her divorce. "Actually, Mawar really doesn't want to talk about this too much," said Mawar.

"Because sometimes it's ironic, the woman will always be considered wrong. Even if it's rude we become victims or something, but the divorce will go back to us who were wrong," he continued. Therefore, Mawar AFI feels that she has spoken enough so far.

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