JAKARTA – Based on studies, inflammation causes chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's. To avoid experiencing the disease or make it worse, you need to consider every diet.

Many experts advise against eating inflammatory foods. Although food is one of the factors that affect the health of the body, it is not wrong to start limiting the consumption of these foods. Reported by Eating Well, Wednesday, March 9, the following types of foods you need to avoid to minimize the risk of experiencing inflammation.

1. Sweet food

Various types of sweet foods, it is necessary to identify which ones are healthy and which are not. Adding sugar to food should be avoided. In certain doses, sugar can trigger inflammation in the body. Sugar can increase the potential for obesity and diabetes. While diabetes can further affect heart health.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming a maximum of 24 grams of sugar a day. Exactly a number of 6 teaspoons. For other foods, you need to observe the composition label. The point is to limit how much you have consumed sweet foods in a day.

2. Processed meat

Food from fresh meat contains animal protein. Protein is needed by the body, of course with the right portion. Meanwhile, processed meats that use additional ingredients, such as synthetic nitrates and salt, need to be avoided.

makanan pemicu inflamasi
Illustration of inflammatory foods that need to be avoided (Unsplash/Pixolo Photography)

Research has shown that regular consumption of processed meat is associated with high levels of saturated fat, which causes inflammation. So, limit the consumption of meat, especially processed meat. Choose fresh meat and measure the portion correctly so there is no risk to health.

3. Processed food

Not only processed meat, processed foods that are produced for ready-to-eat or grab-and-go need to be considered again so that they are not consumed often. Because they are relatively cheap, ingredients, chemical additives for coloring, and food flavorings may create a good taste.

However, these ingredients can irritate the body and cause inflammation. Moreover, the body will be more sensitive when consuming these foods too often.

4. Simple carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are divided into two, simple and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are contained in fresh vegetables and fruits that contain fiber. While simple carbohydrates consist in refined flour which often has a greater effect on blood sugar.

Research links simple carbohydrate foods to increased inflammation. In someone who often eats this food, it can affect metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. How to avoid it, choose 100% whole grain foods and fresh foods that contain fiber.

5. Too much omega-6 fatty acids and too little omega-3

Omega-6 fatty acids mostly enter the body through eating foods that are processed with vegetable oils, such as corn, soybean, and sunflower oils. In the right dose, this type of fatty acid can be said to be healthy. But if you eat too much, it can increase the risk of inflammation, you know.

Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial in reducing inflammation. This means that these two healthy fatty acids need to be consumed in a balanced way.

In addition to the five lists above, you also need to eat healthy and natural foods with proper portion and size instructions.

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