JAKARTA - Actor Rizky Nazar is reported to have completed his drug rehabilitation period. This news began to emerge after he was seen attending the press conference of the latest WeTV series, 17 Forever.

As the main character, Rizky Nazar was present with Syifa Hadju and Steffi Zamora. They are compact wearing black clothes. Director Hanung Bramantyo and producer Lesley Simpson were also in attendance.

Rizky Nazar chose this project because he was interested in the story. His wish was even more complete after finding out who directed this WeTV original series.

“I am interested in playing this series because the story has a history. Moreover, the director is Mas Hanung Bramantyo," said Rizky Nazar on Wednesday, March 2.

17 Forever tells of Dawai (Syifa Hadju) who is a victim of bullying at school. He wants to live like other humans but there is a secret he must keep. This side makes Putra (Rizky Nazar) interested and close to Dawai but there are challenges they must face.

On the other hand, not a few have asked about Rizky Nazar's current rehabilitation status. The South Jakarta National Narcotics Agency said Rizky Nazar had not finished undergoing his rehabilitation period.

"Actually, he is not free, he still has two more times for outpatient treatment. There are eight outpatients. So there are still two more times left at the South Jakarta BNNK," said Dikdik Kusnadi as Head of BNN.

He also emphasized that Rizky Nazar did not receive special treatment but Rizky Nazar was allowed outpatient rehabilitation so as not to overcapacity in prison.

“There is also the side of what type he is wearing, how long has he been using it and what is his physical and psychological condition. Now, Rizky Nazar is using marijuana," he said.

Rizky Nazar is also scheduled for rehabilitation two more times to BNN. Before the time was over, Rizky Nazar was getting ready to promote the 17 Forever series which will air on WeTV.

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