JAKARTA - Known as the mother-in-law's tongue plant, sansevieria is a popular plant. It is easier to care for than other leaf plants. However, not infrequently plants with leaf structures like snakes lose their motives and wither.
The fading motif with not fresh leaves can be caused by 5 things. Here are the trigger factors and how to overcome them.
1. Lack of sunlightThe varigata abstract motif on sansevieria is quite sweet. Losing the motif not only reduces its beauty but also requires simple handling. Sanseviera requires sufficient light for pigment production, therefore faded motifs may be due to lack of sun exposure.
Reported by The Healthy Houseplant, Wednesday, March 2, scientists call this condition with etiolation. Where the condition of the leaves produces less chlorophyll than when they get enough sunlight. To overcome this, place it in a room that is exposed to enough light if it is indoors. If outdoors, place it in a place that gets sunlight in the morning and evening.
![tanaman sansevieria](/storage/publishers/140609/body_image_2022030214.jpg)
The scorching sun also causes problems with leaf motifs. It can even make it wither not fresh. So, place the sansevieria in the right place so that it grows well and sprouts beautiful leaves.
3. Unstable temperatureTemperature stress is caused by temperature changing significantly. The ideal temperature for sansevieria plants is between 15-29 degrees Celsius. In that temperature, the mother-in-law's tongue can grow well. However, if it is below or above this temperature, this plant can damage its growth system. Some of the leaves will turn yellow or turn brown. Fluctuating temperatures are influenced by area factors, air conditioning, overheating, or being placed too close to electronic devices that generate heat. So, try putting this plant in a cool place but getting enough light.
4. Muddy groundMother-in-law's tongue plants only need a little water. Generally, the problem starts from this. When the soil is too wet or muddy, the roots will be deprived of oxygen. Microbes will also multiply uncontrollably and can attack the roots.
Root rot affects the green of the leaves. The bright green turns yellowish. Usually starting from the bottom of the leaf. The recommendation, if the soil is still wet, delay watering.
5. Poor nutritionThe elements nitrogen, potassium, and iron are needed for sansevieria. If it is malnourished, the color of the leaves will change. Because of this, it is important to provide fertilizer. Pay close attention to when to apply fertilizer. The reason, most of the nutrients also do not make this plant more fertile.
Have the sansevieria plants at home lost their motives and suddenly withered? In addition to the problems above, also pay attention to the presence of insects or pests. Generally leaf damage due to insects and mites requires special care.
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