JAKARTA - Mawar AFI became the center of attention after her household was revealed to the public. Her ex-husband is now married to a former baby sitter who takes care of Mawar and her ex's children.

Even so, Mawar admitted that she had no grandiose desires. He wants to have undetermined custody of the court after the divorce.

“I have to be consistent in fighting for the rights of my children. What does it mean to fight for the rights of my children. It should be noted that at this time there has been no court decision on custody and guardianship rights," said Mawar AFI through a video on her YouTube channel on Tuesday, March 1.

Mawar wants custody to be hers so that she can fully supervise. However, he is very open if Steno Ricardo, his ex-husband wants to meet his children.

"Is it like that papa can't meet? No. What really made me fight again with the children's papa was why I didn't want to go home? Because the house is still the same, right, "explained Mawar.

Fortunately, the ex has agreed to meet his children with Mawar. He also did not divulge when they would meet soon.

“Yes, I am grateful, I am grateful that his father wants to meet his children. That's the most important thing for me. Everything I've done so far is for the sake of the kids."

Mawar also emphasized once again that the marriage of Steno and Susi in circulation was not leaked by Mawar but the vendor of their second marriage.

This is not the first time for Mawar AFI to voice her wish. Previously, to Ruben Onsu, he also said he wanted to focus more on the custody of his children.

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