JAKARTA - Executive Producer & Country Head WeTV and iflix Indonesia Lesley Simpson today responded to a summons to undergo examination as a witness at Polda Metro Jaya, regarding the alleged hijacking of the Layangan Putus series which aired on the WeTV platform.

"There are allegations of cases of theft of digital material. It is very detrimental to WeTV customers in particular, so we are taking this very seriously," said Lesley in a statement, Tuesday, February 22.

Lesley also still has not been able to inform the parties who reported and those who were reported related to the piracy case.

"What is certain is that the authorities are reporting. It is the reported person who spreads it, it has been found out who the person is and is being processed. Exactly what it looks like, everything is being investigated," he said.

Lesley said the piracy had caused considerable losses. The reason, according to him, the production of the series issued a budget that is not kidding.

In addition, Lesley continued, piracy also caused WeTV trademark contamination as the official platform for broadcasting the series.

"WeTV always produces content that is never half-hearted, always very serious. Now it's being polluted, leaked, hijacked, finally viewers watch it not on WeTV, but elsewhere. That's very detrimental," said Lesley.

Regarding the chronology of the leak of the series, Lesley said it was still under investigation. "We are currently investigating what kind of leak it was, for sure we really trust the police who are investigating this," he said.

Lesley said piracy should not be taken lightly in every industry. The reason, according to him, is that the entire industry, including the entertainment industry in Indonesia, was greatly harmed by this action.

"In the future, WeTV takes this seriously. We will continue to assist and support the police in this investigation," concluded Lesley.

For information, the Layangan Putus series stars Reza Rahadian, Putri Marino, and Anya Geraldine, and has succeeded in becoming one of the series that has caught the attention of many Indonesian audiences.

The CEO of MD Entertainment, Manoj Punjabi, informed that the alleged perpetrator of the Disconnected Kites piracy was an insider of MD Entertainment itself.

The employee initially only wanted to show it to his wife. Unfortunately, the Kites Putus series episodes 9 and 10 spread after that. Now, the employee has resigned.

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