JAKARTA – When the body temperature rises above the normal size, it can be said to have a fever. Fever under certain conditions tends to be harmless. But most fevers require treatment and special attention because they cause discomfort.
Quoting Medical News Today, Tuesday, February 22, fever is most commonly caused by infection. On the one hand, the body responds to fight infection by increasing body temperature. Other causes of fever have to do with drug or vaccine reactions. But serious illnesses, such as cancer, also trigger fever.
To help reduce fever at home, you can take the steps below. The following method, is effective for all ages.
1. Drink a lotDuring a fever, the body needs more water than the normal temperature. The reason is, when the body temperature increases, it needs to be balanced with more fluids. High temperatures also require electrolytes that can help rehydrate the body.

Fighting infection takes a lot of energy. Taking a break can help your body temperature recover.
3. Take a warm bathMany people consider taking a cold shower when they have a fever. This is wrong because it causes shivering and the temperature can rise even more. Most appropriate, take a bath with lukewarm water to help lower body temperature. A warm bath also helps soothe tired muscles.
4. Using over-the-counter drugsFever-reducing drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, and naproxen are over-the-counter drugs. This drug can be obtained without a doctor's prescription. When drinking it to reduce fever, pay attention to the rules of use.
5. Wear comfortable clothesFever makes the body feel hot, but soon feels cold. This condition certainly makes you uncomfortable. But when you have a fever, it is advisable to wear comfortable clothes. There is no need to wear layered clothing because it can trap heat in the body and the body temperature will rise again.
So it is advisable to wear comfortable clothes, not too thin but do not need to be layered. When it feels cold, add a warm jacket or scarf. In addition, make sure the room air circulates well to make it more comfortable.
Keep in mind, the average body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, a mild fever is declared when the body temperature crawls up between 37.8-39 degrees Celsius. High fever over 39 degrees Celsius. Symptoms of fever include a person experiencing fever, headache, sweating, muscle aches, loss of appetite, fatigue, and lethargy.
Because a very high fever can cause seizures, so when the body temperature continues to rise and does not go down immediately after carrying out the above methods, it is advisable to check with a doctor.
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