JAKARTA - D'Cinnamons released a new song titled Matahari and Moon. This romantic lyrical song was released to coincide with Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, February 14.

“This song reminds us to respect any differences with your partner. Appreciate and love our partner for who they are. Because in my opinion, we can't change anything from our partner, only them can change it. We don't need to change what is already beautiful in our partner," said vocalist/guitarist Diana "Dodo" Widoera in a release received by VOI.

Guitarist Ismail “Bona” Bonaventura who wrote the song “Matahari dan Bulan” added that every human being is basically born different. And when a relationship is established, of course, later there will be differences.

“Especially for new couples, who will live together or who are already living together, must go through a process of equalizing the 'frequency'. Well, this is where the differences are usually found. This difference is actually a gift, because we can complement each other, process and grow together by respecting each other's differences. It's not easy, but with the basis of love, all of that can work, and the goal of living together can be accomplished," he said.

“In that song there is a very big hope in the chorus; '…but we can live on the same earth…'. So there is a phrase that I think is very romantic. In a sense, based on love we can stay together by respecting all the differences that we each have," said Dodo again, sharpening the meaning of the song.

The song Matahari and Bulan has actually been included in the Home album, which was released by Dodo, Bona and bassist Riana 'Nana' Mayasari in 2020. However, this is the first time it feels like the right moment to emphasize its presence, which is manifested in a video visualizer and lyric video format.

Because on its way, it turns out that the Sun and the Moon have become the most favorite songs by D'Cinnamons fans who have listened to the entire Home album.

"So we feel the need to present this song again, especially for music listeners who don't know or have never heard of this song," said Nana affirmed.

When pop songs with folk characters have emerged and have dominated the map of the Indonesian recorded music industry recently, of course, the name D'Cinnamons cannot be ignored. Because in fact, they have started since 2007 ago - or about three years after officially formed - through their debut album entitled "Good Morning" (2007). This album, among others, skyrocketed the songs "Loving You" and "Kuyakin Cinta".

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