JAKARTA - Currently, it is impossible not to introduce gadgets to children. A psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia, Saskhya Aulia Prima, said that the right time to introduce gadgets to children is when the baby is 18 months old or entering the age phase of two years.

"Make sure to introduce gadgets to children through direct interaction. Because at that age children really need interaction," said Sashkhya as quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, February 12.

The main reason that gadgets can be introduced to children from the age of 18 months is because at that time the child's brain function has just started to work actively.

Its growth is still slow so that when introducing devices to children, interaction is still needed so that children are able to digest the event.

"The easiest way to introduce gadgets or digital spaces to children is through video calls because there is also interaction and children can see forms of direct communication through it," he said.

The same thing needs to be applied to content in the digital space that will be consumed by children, make sure parents choose content that contains interactions for their children.

Look for interactions that have a fairly slow rhythm and language that is easy for your child to understand. "If you can find content where the rhythm is slow from one scene to another, so he can concentrate on understanding interactions, so children can also slowly understand it," said Sashkya.

You can extend the time to access the device or content in the virtual space following the growth of the child's age.

For example, a three-year-old child can access gadgets for about 30 minutes, then at the age of five it takes about an hour, at the age of eight a child can access it for a longer time adjusted to their activities including going to school.

Finally, parents also as much as possible provide examples of good use of gadgets by limiting themselves to using electronic devices in front of their children.

"For example, parents should refrain from using their cellphones when eating at the dinner table or before going to bed so that children can control themselves and follow in their parents' footsteps," concluded Sashkya.

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