JAKARTA - Gaga Muhammad filed eight memorandums of appeal related to the verdict he received on January 19 with a sentence of 4.5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 10 million. The memorandum of appeal has been submitted to the East Jakarta District Court (PN) on Tuesday, February 8.

Gaga's mother, Janariyah, felt the punishment was too severe for Gaga and unfair. "Oh yes (we haven't received justice yet) that's why we filed an appeal. At least it's justice for Gaga, because she's still too young so she must get justice. At least her sentence will be reduced," said Janariyah.

There are three reasons why Janariyah believes and is optimistic that Gaga deserves a lighter sentence.

1. Didn't Cause Laura Anna's Paralysis According to Gaga's mother, there was a mistake in concluding that the victim Laura Anna was paralyzed on December 8, 2019.

Gaga's lawyer, Fahmi Bachmid said the cause of Laura Anna's paralysis was not Gaga Muhammad. It was a mistake to see the paralysis as a result of Gaga Muhammad's actions, so Gaga was negligent, yes. But causing paralysis cannot be proven at this trial," said Fahmi.

2. Help Find Funds Janariyah also feels that Gaga has helped financially to Laura Anna's family. "In terms of assistance, at Mayapada Laura's parents told Gaga. No, how about this, we have to pay for the hospital. Then Gaga said that my family couldn't help. But I will help find a way to solve it," Janariyah said.

From Gaga's fundraising process, Rp 180 million was collected. According to Janariyah, none of the funds went to her child's account, but to the hospital and to Laura Anna's mother.

"He will communicate with his friends, he received assistance at that time of approximately Rp. 180 million. Rp. 40 million to Mayapada, Rp. 140 million went directly to Laura's mother's account, not to Gaga's account," he said.

"(Money) is to be collected, but the person who collects it is called Aan Story. It is stored in his account, he sent it to Mayapada and directly to Laura's mother," he added. From the efforts made by her son, Janariyah judged that Gaga was already responsible.

3. Gaga Accompanies Gaga a Year Against this lawsuit, Gaga Muhammad did not accept.

"They concluded that Gaga never gave any help even though there was one year Gaga Muhammad spent taking care of the victim Laura Anna," explained Fahmi.

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