JAKARTA - Beautiful, young, and talented, these three words represent the figure of Beby Tsabina, who has starred in 13 films at the age of 19. The girl who was born October 27, 2002 also starred in 7 soap operas. Behind the success of his career, Beby has struggled with scoliosis since middle school.

Scoliosis is a disorder of the spine. Under normal conditions, the spine is usually straight. However, people with scoliosis have a curved spine, such as forming the letter S or C. This usually occurs during the growth period before puberty.

"So I have a spinal disease, spinal deformity, our bones are straight when normal people, if I'm S-shaped so it's tilted. The first time I realized was when I was in junior high school grade 1," he recalled.

Beby Tsabina (Photo: Beby Tsabina Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

Apparently, his slanted physique was first noticed by a schoolmate. "After I felt like I was achy, I took extracurricular activities at school and continued to feel sore, then if I joined Paskibra you had to be straight, my friend said how come your body is tilted, huh," he explained.

The incident made him care about his body. "When I got home, I checked, it turned out to be crooked and I told mom and dad and they checked that the bones were skewed," said Beby in a virtual interview some time ago.

Because of the bone disease, Beby's activities must be limited. The load on the spine is reduced so that the slope does not get worse.

"Without me doing anything it gets worse. If you have scoliosis, you can't carry heavy things on the back. If you bring a lot of books to school, it gets worse, this is uncomfortable and something is done," he explained.

Beby Tsabina (Photo: Beby Tsabina Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

For sports, for example, Beby Tsabina is only allowed if the intensity is light, such as Pilates. "Finally I received treatment with a lot of information seeking, therapy until now after a lot of therapy and it's better, even though it's not cured, the degree has decreased a lot, now I'm doing posture improvement with Pilates," explained Beby.

Finding his body tilted as a teenager, is certainly not something fun. Moreover, Beby had already started a career at that time. Appearance became the main capital for acting so that he felt insecure and embarrassed.

"Surely if you just wear a shirt, it looks very tilted, and his name is also a junior high school student at that time, his body is good, look at your friend, his spine is straight. It's weird for me, I like being achy too, we with scoliosis can't run, we can't jump, I feel like mentally," he recalls.

Apparently the mental burden made him even sadder. "I still have a lot of energy so I can't do activities, I like to be sad. And I can't lift a lot of things either. As small as my mom, my sister, my brother carry a suitcase, I want to help, I can't," explained Beby Tsabina.


Beby Tsabina (Photo: Beby Tsabina Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

It is not an easy matter for Beby Tsabina to decide to be open about the illness she is experiencing. Mental burden is the main obstacle. Fear that people don't understand actually bullies him.

However, the turmoil was resisted because he realized that as a public figure he could provide more education to others. Because of that, Beby finally opened up about scoliosis.

"Well, I really want to give this information, for friends who are still my age, feel that they have scoliosis, especially women, don't ever feel alone. I've been through it all, I know a lot and it turns out I have. I realize that many women have this disease, To live a normal life because of scoliosis, consult a doctor," he advised.

He also hopes that teenagers his age will not feel inferior if they suffer from scoliosis. "Many friends have this disease. This is normal, the important thing is to consult a doctor, therapy, take care of the doctor, keep your body well," he advised.

Beby Tsabina (Photo: Beby Tsabina Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

He wants young people who have or are not confident because of their body deficiencies to not feel inferior. Weaknesses have to be faced.

"Never feel like you have shortcomings so that you don't feel confident. Because I myself conclude that it always reminds me down to earth, that I am an ordinary human being with shortcomings," he stressed.

Not wanting to continue to be sad and lamenting her fate, Beby feels that her illness has taught her to be grateful. "I'm always grateful to make this disease something to be grateful for," he said.

"If there are young people who are insecure with different diseases, not everything you see in front of your eyes is the truth. Not everyone looks happy and fine, surely in life they have their own advantages and disadvantages," added Beby.

Beby Tsabina (Photo: Beby Tsabina Collection, DI: Raga/VOI)

If you are still in doubt, check out Beby Tsabina's life story. While struggling with therapy and medication, Beby kept the spirit of filming. In fact, she won an award at the Indonesian Movie Actor Awards 2021 as the Favorite Female Actor.

"I feel very grateful to be very surprised, to be nominated and to be grateful and to win is a miracle because I've said it many times. This is my first film as the main character, I thought I hadn't seen the filming for a long time, the film didn't show up in theaters because of the pandemic, so it was shown on an application where I feel that many people are not aware that the film has been shown, so I am grateful to be considered for the Indonesia Movie Actor Awards," he said.

Beby was not sure that he would get an award. Don't dare to expect more precisely because the other nominees, he thought were cool. "I really didn't think about winning, I saw that the other nominations were cool. All of my seniors, and Mawar de Jongh at the same age, just to be with them I was grateful and didn't think about winning anyway," he recalled.

The award is an achievement for Beby Tsbina. "Definitely an achievement for me, what is it, a proof that I'm real proof, it's true that my acting reaches the audience," he explained.

Moreover, the favorite category was chosen based on the audience's choice. "The choice of the favorite main character is the selection of the audience, the audience feels that the content of the film is conveyed well, it means a lot to me, the award is a motivation for me to be able to proceed better," said Beby Tsabina.

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