JAKARTA – Relationships in marriage are not free from problems, fights, and differences of opinion. It's being viral talking about Oki Setiana Dewi's lecture. Oki illustrates what happened to a husband and wife in Jeddah. They quarreled and the husband beat his wife. Domestic Violence (KDRT), according to Oki in his lecture, that hitting is considered a natural thing and needs to be covered up because it has to save the husband's disgrace.

Quoting from the Mayo Clinic, Thursday, February 3, what to do when experiencing domestic violence, it is necessary to recognize the pattern and seek help immediately because this action is a serious threat to many women.

Identifying domestic violence

Abusive relationships always involve power and control. Like someone who feels dominant will use intimidating words and behavior to control their partner. Domestic violence can take many forms, including emotional, sexual, physical abuse, and threats.

istri dipukul suami kdrt
Illustration of experiencing domestic violence, what to do (Pexels/Mart Production)

Hitting, kicking, pushing, slapping, strangling, or hurting you and children including domestic violence. Recognize the pattern, this is what needs to be done. Any bad behavior, such as hitting, can be caused by one thing, it could also be because of the character of an angry person. So, the cause and character need to be identified for the first step to protect yourself.

Ask for the protection of the closest people

In many cases, women are afraid and believe that their husband will change someday. Women also feel afraid that they do not dare to tell anyone what has happened, especially in the case of domestic violence. Because domestic violence can affect psychological conditions and make a person live in fear, tell the people closest to you. By telling stories, the closest people will provide full support.

Break the cycle

If in a minor or violent situation, the victim may experience a pattern of threatening, being attacked, the abuser apologizing and promising to change or offering a reward, and the cycle repeats itself. Breaking the cycle is a must, because the longer you stay in an abusive relationship, the greater the physical and emotional sacrifices you will make.

Get professional help

If the violence drags on and it's impossible to break the cycle, seek professional help. Professional help such as psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage therapists, to report to the authorities for mediation to seek legal remedies.

The cycle of domestic violence needs to be broken, because it can hurt the victim both physically and emotionally.

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