Pritt Timothy Appears Mysterious In First Look At Host Film
Pritt Timothy (screenshot)

JAKARTA - The production house IDN Pictures released the first-look teaser for the film Inang. Directed by Fajar Nugros, this horror film focuses on Wekasan's Wednesday, the last Wednesday before entering the month of Maulid.

This 30-second first look features actor Pritt Timothy who was interviewed about Wekasan's Wednesday. Pritt's mysterious side is a clue to what happened in the film Host.

"Children born on Wednesday Wekasan need to be treated to get rid of their ugliness," Pritt Timothy says in the video.

Inang is the first horror film made by IDN Pictures. This film tells the story of a woman who fights an evil force that tries to take her baby's life.

"This film will not only be a film that will scare you, but rather a film that will make us reflect on how to deal with differences in beliefs with those closest to us, in this case, our parents." said Susanti Dewi as the producer of the film Host.

Wekasan's Wednesday election began when the production team realized that the millennial generation really believed in the zodiac but before the zodiac, the ancestral generation also had a similar concept.

“After we did further research, our ancestral generation had calculations that were more complicated than just the zodiac. One of them is Wekasan Wednesday. Where there is a generation that believes more in faith and there is also a generation that does not believe in it," said Susanti Dewi.

Apart from Pritt Timothy, the film Inang stars a number of actresses and actors such as Naysilla Mirdad, Lydia Kandou, Dimas Anggara, Rania Putrisari, Totos Rasiti, Nungki Kusumastuti, Muzakki Ramdhan, David Nurbianto and Emil Kusumo.

The film Host is scheduled to be screened in Indonesian cinemas. Watch the first look of the film Host below:

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