JAKARTA - No one can predict the age and manner of death of a person. For Nurul Arifin and Mayong Suryolaksono, the statement felt true after Maura Magnalia died.

Maura passed away at 5 am today, Tuesday, January 25. Even though 4 hours earlier, Maura and Mayong were still talking about their work plans in Bali.

Maura found her maid asleep limp at the dining table. When he was taken to the hospital, Maura was already cold. "Last night at 1 o'clock I was still chatting with Mas Mayong. Half a dozen maids woke up, he was already asleep at the dining table, it was already cold," said Nurul in Cinere, Depok.

"At that time Maura's body was shaking. Then we took her to the hospital. Then she died when she arrived there or the term was dead on arrival," Mayong told VOI who was present at the funeral home.

Mayong revealed his last conversation with his daughter. "He said he was accepted for a job in Bali, it was still a rather difficult time. School was over but he couldn't graduate. On the other hand, he had to look for work. From several applications, there was one who asked him to come but in Bali. For example, he is still alive. , today I recommend a follow-up," he said.

Nurul said that his son wanted to become a lecturer after graduating from master's degree because he likes to teach like his father. Unfortunately, Maura's condition prevented her from attending the graduation.

"Our concern is that March is whether we can go to Australia for graduation. What I see now, this is a form of frustration. Maybe the result of the pandemic is that many of these prohibitions have made him not free to express, make friends, his frustration is rather deep," explained Nurul Arifin.

Sadness could not be dammed from the look on Nurul Arifin's face. During her lifetime, Nurul admitted that she had high expectations for her daughter.

"To all parents, I advise you to be closer to your children. Don't be emotional with your children at school via laptops and cellphones. Because I feel that if you are too harsh with your children, the result will be that your child will become a rebel. So if you can, give as much love as possible," Nurul Arifin's message.

Nurul Arifin said Maura Magnalia will be buried in San Diego Hills, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 26, at 10.00 WIB.

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