JAKARTA – The rules in feng shui are used as a reference for placing furniture and dividing space in the house appropriately according to the flow of energy or qi. By using feng shui, good energy brings health, happiness, and prosperity to the people living in the house.
Feng shui is closely related to natural cycles, reported by The Spruce, Tuesday, January 25. Placing plants indoors is one way to work with natural energy in your home. Plants, make us learn a lot about the cycle of life. By taking care of it, we can practice compassionate living with sentient beings.
To determine the area of 'wealth and abundance' or in Chinese called Xun, according to feng shui practitioners, you need to imagine one thing. Try standing at the front entrance of the house looking inside.
Imagine a 3x3 square that stretches across your room. Then find the far left corner of the frog. That corner will be your Xun area. Finding areas of 'wealth and abundance' can also be done in the office or desk that represents your career. Plants that are placed in the area of sustenance and luck, need to get light, proper humidity, and well cared for. The following are plant recommendations to decorate the area of sustenance and wealth.
1. Jade
Jade plants are also known as jade plants. Because the leaf structure is similar to jade. This plant grows slowly but surely grows. The leaves are round and symbolize good luck in East Asian culture.
2. Pilea Peperomyoides

Also known as the coin plant, its leaves are round like coins. The pilea peperomioides plant does not need moist soil. You only need to water it when the planting medium is dry or once every two days. This plant can also live well indoors as long as it is exposed to direct sunlight.
3. African violet

The flowers are purple, the shape is small and beautiful. So called the African violet plant, the leaves are a little hairy. Purple flower color, according to feng shui, is associated with abundance and sustenance. This plant is actually a bit difficult to care for, but you can take the time to properly care for it.
4. Money tree
Money tree or pachila aquatic, is often referred to in feng shui as a plant that welcomes more prosperity and abundance. This plant grows well indoors. The stems are often braided, this symbolizes longevity.
5. Rubber tree
Rubber tree has thick leaves, large size, shiny color that embodies abundance. Some varieties of the rubber tree have a slightly purplish color, this color, as described above, is associated with wealth according to feng shui.
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