JAKARTA - Maura Magnalia Widyaratri, daughter of the couple Nurul Arifin and Mayong Suryolaksono died on Tuesday, January 25. Neighbors and friends came to the funeral home to mourn and pay their respects to Maura.

One of the guests who came was Maura's ex-lover, Lucky Muchtar, who is still good friends to this day. "Know Maura from 5 years ago from the age of 29. We were close, very close in fact. Two years together," said Lucky, in Cinere, Tuesday, January 25.

According to Lucky, he remembers many stories about Mora. "He always never wastes friends. He always wants to make me happy. Even though I'm down, he's very supportive. He's a very sporty person and really lovely," he explained.

Maura grew up with musical talents and literacy. "From a young age he has been playing drums, he's good at it. In the creative world, music is one of them. Maura likes to write poetry, she wanted to release a book. For one reason, she said she wanted to release it soon," Lucky said.

Apparently Maura left a prospective book that had not been released. Lucky himself had read the book.

"He wrote poetry about himself. The book is a description of him. About his life in Jakarta. The good and the bad are honestly expressed without overdoing it in a poetic narrative style. Like a novel but with pictures," he said.

Lucky hopes that the publication of the book can be continued by Nurul Arifin and mayong. "This wants to tell his parents to release this book. Because it's only in print, to make something to remind him. The last offering from Maura," he explained.

Maura Magnalia died of heart failure, Lucky did not expect it because Monday night was still exchanging messages with her. "Last night, we were still chatting, talking about the late Fenix from the VIP Club. He said the good man left him quickly. But that's not a hunch. Just responding to the news," he said.

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