JAKARTA – Even though you are on a diet, calories are still needed by the body for metabolic processes. That is, if you plan to maintain health, calorie intake can be obtained from foods that contain low calories.
Foods with low calorie content, do not make you fat. In unlimited quantities, reported by Men's Health, the list of foods below can support your diet program. Interested in including these food recommendations for a daily menu that is healthy but doesn't make you fat?
1. KaleIn every healthy food recommendation, kale is always in it. Angela Lemond, RDN., spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietics, found that people who consumed the least amount of vegetables in their daily intake consistently gained weight. The person said that they did not like vegetables, while the risk was not taken into account at all.
Well, that means you can combine kale with other daily intakes. Even kale can be consumed more without worrying about gaining weight.
2. Cherry tomatoesThe freshness of cherry tomatoes side by side with other calorie foods can help you reduce the portion of your meal. Cherries, generally contain 60 calories per serving. The content is actually twice the calories of non-starchy vegetables.
But according to Lemond, tomatoes are at the bottom of the list of fruits that contain calories. That is, occasionally replace grapes with cherry tomatoes for a healthy, low-sugar snack.
![makanan yang tidak bikin gemuk walau dimakan banyak](/storage/publishers/125276/body_image_2022011813.jpg)
There are various ways to process spinach. Include salads or mix these very low-calorie vegetables in your juices or porridge. Spinach, Lemond recommended to help the body in the metabolic process. Because these vegetables give food back to the body after carrying out metabolic work.
4. CauliflowerA bowl of cauliflower soup can be the smartest snack. If you're not that keen on the taste of raw cauliflower, Lemong offers some suggestions for flavoring. Like adding a little olive oil or a teaspoon which contains about 45 calories. You can also add a sprinkling of spices or a little grated lemon zest.
5. Purple CabbagePurple foods, according to Lemond, have anti-cancer benefits. Purple vegetables, such as purple cabbage, can help maintain heart health and minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease.
You may not like it if you directly eat purple cabbage pieces. Lemond's suggestion, you can include it in salads or stir-fry. The addition of purple cabbage can also help you feel full longer or reduce cravings.
6. BroccoliCruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, are you when it comes to 'zero calorie' foods. The dark green hue is a miracle due to its high content of cancer-fighting phytochemicals. These foods also keep you full longer because they are high in fiber.
Serving suggestion, Lemond says that you can eat large portions of raw or steamed broccoli for a filling snack or side dish.
7. CeleryCelery, like broccoli, is called 'zero calories'. The name, explained Lemond, comes from the 'thermogenic effect of food'. While the body burns calories digesting the food you eat, it requires a lot of energy to digest. This energy can be obtained from 'zero calorie' vegetables such as celery.
Of the seven vegetable food recommendations above, which do you usually snack on? If you haven't included it in your list of healthy snacks, then it can be used as an alternative to potato chips which often make you complacent.
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