The actor who is also a talented young musician, Ardhito Pramono, was arrested by the authorities because he was suspected of being involved in drug abuse. Ardhito Pramono was arrested at his residence in the East Jakarta area, along with evidence in the form of marijuana. "Yes (Ardhito Pranomo, ed)," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol E. Zulpan when contacted Wednesday, January 12. "Cannabis," said West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head, AKBO Danang Setiyo. Ardhito Pramono is a singer born on May 22, 1995. Apart from music, Ardhito is also involved in acting. A number of his works were uploaded on his YouTube channel and received rave reviews from netizens. Ardhito joined Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia and released an EP and released a number of albums. Ardhito was awarded the Anugerah Musik Indonesia and the Indonesian Movie Awards. In 2022, Ardhito Pramono will play Afkar in the film Dear Nathan: Thank You Salma, which is scheduled to be released in theaters on January 13. Watch the full video below.

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