JAKARTA - The condition of Pak Ogah's voice actor in the film Si Unyil, Abdul Hamid, is getting worse. Reportedly, he had a brain blockage that affected his physique.

Through the Instagram account @pakogah_real, a woman is trying to communicate with Mr. Ogah.

"Who do you want to meet?" asked the woman to Mr. Ogah.

"I want to meet Mr. Raden," replied Mr. Ogah. Then this woman explained that Pak Raden had died.

Several other videos show Pak Ogah who continues to lie in bed. "Want to meet Mr. Raden? Mr. Raden isn't there anymore. It's dead," the woman replied.

Pak Ogah also admitted that he wanted to meet his mother. He seemed to be speaking in a stammering manner.

"Want to meet me, want to meet my mom," said Mr. Ogah.

Pak Ogah, who is voiced by Abdul Hamid, is known through the series Si Unyil. The presence of Mr. Raden whose real name is Sayadi is a figure that Mr. Ogah admires.

However, Mr. Raden died in 2015 and since then Mr. Ogah's health condition has started to decline.

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