JAKARTA - There are many types of cheese, with various nutritional content and taste profiles. Which one is right for your health and dietary needs? Here's the review!

Cheese with low salt content

Salt (and therefore sodium) plays an important role in cheese making, as it controls moisture, texture, taste and functionality. So while the salt can't be completely removed, some cheeses require less of it than others.

In general, lighter, lighter cheeses usually require less salt than tougher, more aged cheeses. Cheeses that contain less salt include Swiss, Monterey Jack, ricotta, or Parmesan.

Low fat cheese

Parmesan cheese and part-skimmed parmesan tend to be lower in fat than others, as do cottage cheese, ricotta, and cheddar.

Cheese that is high in calcium and protein

To increase your calcium and protein intake through dairy products, try eating Swiss cheese, cheddar, gouda, ricotta, mozzarella, or Colby.

Cheese that is safe for those with lactose intolerance

Natural cheeses such as cheddar, Colby, Monterey Jack, mozzarella, and Swiss contain less lactose, as most of the lactose is removed when the curds are separated from the whey in the cheese-making process.

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