JAKARTA - Prilly Latuconsina has just finished her undergraduate education. Now, Prilly is getting ready to continue her master's degree. One of the places visited was Columbia University in New York.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

In December 2021, Prilly Latuconsina officially holds a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies. Not only graduating, this Danur movie star was also named the best graduate in his class. Now, Prilly is looking for a campus to continue her master's degree.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

Prilly Latuconsina won Best of The Best Graduation in the LSPR S1-E-Learning program. Most recently, a woman born in Tangerang 25 years ago was seen looking for a university to continue her education. Prilly also visited one of the world's famous campuses.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

Through her Instagram, Prilly shared a portrait while she was at Columbia University-New York. The university, which was founded in 1754 under the name King's College, became the number one main destination before looking at other campuses.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

Previously, he first looked around the campus atmosphere. Prilly even admitted that she would study harder with the Columbia campus atmosphere. Several portraits were shared on his Instagram account when he visited the dream campus of many people.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

“The first edition of #PrillyCariKampusBarengRuangguru we visited was Columbia University! see the atmosphere of the campus and the buildings according to the department. Very good! I think if you study with the atmosphere at Columbia, you will be more diligent, hahaha!,” wrote prillylatukonsina96.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

"Can anyone guess what major I want to take? and after this I will check which campus else? write in the comments yaahh!," continued the soap opera star Handsome Handsome Wolf.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

Prilly also invites her followers to follow her journey during campus hunting in New York through her story. Not only hunting campus, Prilly also shared some holiday portraits in New York.

Prilly Latuconsina Strolls at Columbia University New York (Instagram /@prillylatuconsina96)

Actually, Prilly's search for this university was done to continue her master's degree in a few more years. Prilly has no intention of continuing her education to a higher level in the near future. Because according to him, the struggle to study while working is quite heavy.

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