Tips For Caring For Colored Hair So It Doesn't Fade Quickly
Hair Care Tips (Photo: ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Some women like to change hair color to support their appearance to make it look fresher and not monotonous. However, improper care will make the hair color fade in no time.

In addition, some signs of damage will also occur such as dry hair and break easily. To overcome this, professional hair stylist Diana Hadisuwarno shares some tips so that colored hair can be durable and not damaged.

First, use care products specially formulated for color-treated hair.

"Regularly use shampoo, conditioner, then a mask once a week, and serum after shampooing before drying hair. So in wet conditions, we apply serum to protect hair and provide nutrition to hair," Diana said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, January 1.

Second, don't overuse hair styling tools that are too hot like a straightener. Diana said, the temperature must be very careful when using the tool.

"There is a vise whose temperature can be seen. The maximum is 180 degrees, not hotter. Especially if the bleach hair is even lower, namely 165 degrees," he said.

Diana said the use of styling tools that are too hot will make hair color fade quickly. In addition, the hair will also become dry, rough, easily broken, and branched.

Third, avoid shampooing with hot water because it will open the cuticles so that the hair color will fade quickly.

"So even if it's not strong, first use warm water, then at the end use cold water. It's better to use cold water, which is the best," Diana said.

Lastly, don't wash your hair too often because it will dry your hair quickly and the color will fade, especially hair that is dyed with bleaching techniques. "Two days is ok. But if you can, for lighter bleaching colors, I even suggest to clients to wash their hair less often. If you can't stand it, use dry shampoo," he said.

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