JAKARTA – When doing daily activities, there are times when you don't need to wear a complete make-up. Some women may lose confidence when working or leaving the house without makeup. However, you need to give it a try for the following reasons.

1. Not every makeup is beneficial for the skin

Confidence is important, but it's impossible to rely on makeup to boost it, right? However, not all types of makeup are beneficial for your skin. Especially the type of makeup that contains chemicals that make the skin dry and breakouts appear.

Even a foundation that is 'healthy' for your skin does not need to be done every day so that the naturalness of the skin is maintained. You can do good skincare instead of using heavy makeup every day.

2. Look more natural

What's wrong with getting older and showing signs of aging on facial skin? Such as wrinkles, spots, and acne scars. No need to blame age if you use makeup products, especially creams, which are claimed to be anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, and anti-freckle. However, embracing age, which is marked by a decrease in skin perfection by appearing more natural, makes a person feel more comfortable.

3. You look better than you think

Many women tend to criticize themselves by needing to be perfect and look good using makeup. Relax, people will appreciate you not just a perfect appearance. They will appreciate someone more for what they are.

4. Reduce expenses

When you know yourself and know what is most needed to manage financial expenses, then you need to know very well which ones are needed related to makeup equipment and which ones are not needed. Even if you buy it for under IDR 100.000, it will end up adding to your expenses. So it's better to use less makeup and think about what you really need.

5. The measure of beauty is not in makeup

Without makeup, a person can look beautiful through attitude and behavior. That is, beauty is not judged by how makeup tricks make your face look thinner. Appearance is not everything, every woman can be beautiful in her own way regardless of the makeup used.

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