Diligent Diet But Still Not Losing Weight? Maybe This Is The Reason
Ilustrasi (Dana Tentis/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Many of us want an ideal body shape and a healthy lifestyle. This can be obtained by going on a diet, which means regulating the intake of food that enters the body so that you do not overeat.

However, some of us often misunderstand the essence of diet and how the body works so that we can lose weight, so that we go on a diet wrong and it will have a bad impact on us. Here are the mistakes that are often made when trying to lose weight.

Want instant results

Patience is key in dieting, in fact our bodies need a diet for approximately 1 year, to lose weight and keep it off. The mistake is often made when we think we can see the results of a diet in a short time, so there is no need to be discouraged if you only lose a little weight.

Eat too little

Some of us still misunderstand diet as a way to lose weight by drastically reducing food portions or even skipping meals.

Research has proven, that skipping meals or eating small portions, will make our bodies accumulate a lot of fat. In running a diet program, you actually need to increase your intake of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, protein, and wheat.

Poor sleep quality

Our discipline and commitment in running a diet program will be in vain if we do not maintain good sleep quality. In fact, lack of sleep makes us not lose much weight when compared to other people who have good quality sleep. Sleep for about 7-9 hours every night.

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