Recognizing Karifan Buya Hamka Through Complementary Novels And Films
Buya Hamka Movie

JAKARTA - Falcon Publishing has just released the novel Buya Hamka, written by Ahmad Fuadi. This novel also received rave reviews from novel readers. In fact, during the Book Fair event some time ago, many novel fans lined up to get Buya Hamka's novel and A. Fuadi's signature.

In a virtual press conference attended by Buya Hamka's family such as Amir Syakib Hamka (son), Ibu Afif (son-in-law), and Ahmad Syafiq (grandson), A Fuadi revealed that the original idea for this novel came from the film script of Buya Hamka.

"Indeed, the first time I was offered to adapt the scenario to a novel. But I think the results will be similar. So I propose to do more research so that it is more extensive. So later those who watch the film and the novel will complement each other," said A. Fuadi, Thursday , December 16.

Vino Bastian, who played Buya Hamka who was present at the Press Conference, admitted that he was nervous. "Now I'm nervous, there's Buya Hamka's family. When I was first offered the role of Buya Hamka, I was shocked. Why was I chosen. But after meeting Buya Hamka's family, I took this. However, this is like the path given by Allah SWT. My mother is a Muslim, and the one who converted to Islam is Buya Hamka, at the Al Azhar mosque near Blok M. I also watched TV, at that time Pak Irfan said, Buya Hamka collected various books, one of which was by my father Wiro Sableng. Buya has become a collection for my father," said Vino.

Meanwhile, the director of the Buya Hamka film, Fajar Bustomi, revealed that the Buya Hamka film would be shown in theaters. "Since the beginning of the concept of this film, it will be shown in theaters, and has not changed until now. I hope the book is a success, and can inspire many people, and later after the film is out, there will be a lot of viewers," he explained.

Meanwhile, Buya Hamka's grandson, Ahmad Syafiq, said he was happy that Vino G Bastian could play the character of Buya Hamka. "Frankly, I am a fan of Vino. Vino is an extraordinary actor in Indonesia, especially the director Fajar Bustomi. I have also shared this, and many have asked when the film will be released. For me, the important thing is that Buya Hamka can remember the figure of Hamka, and Vino is an actor. which is liked by many generations," he said.

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